Dealing with Email - Is Inbox Zero a real thing ? ‘Ping’. You’ve got mail it used to say. But now it’s either a distraction from the important task at hand or more work. Email can get out of hand and it seems like a mountain of a task to get it back under control. Enter Inbox Zero. Firstly, what is it? Inbox Zero is a rigorous approach to email management aimed at keeping the inbox empty -- or almost empty -- at all times. Inbox Zero was developed by Merlin Mann. Why do you want to have your inbox empty or almost empty? It eliminates distractions, those emails that shout at you when you are attempting to concentrate on the important tasks at hand. How? My method to achieve Inbox Zero comes from using the 4D’s As an email comes into your inbox, you choose on of the following. Do – if you can action it under 2 minutes, do it immediately Dump – how much of what we get is spam!? Get rid of it immediately Delegate – if it doesn’t fit into your area of responsibility, delegate it immediately Decide When (or diarise) – if the task from the email will take longer that 2 minutes, diarise it to be done later (I’ll schedule that [place it as an appointment in your calendar] for 4pm this afternoon for 30 minutes). And set an alarm as a part of the schedule in your calendar or set one on your phone. Merlin Mann has a different approach. His are: To Do Awaiting Response Delegated Read Later Done/Archive When? Some people love to get to Inbox Zero daily. Others find it a little daunting and settle for weekly – Friday 5pm = Inbox Zero. Some tips to help you to be an email ninja: Only check your email 3 or 4 times a day, or once an hour, on the hour. Add a line under your email signature that says something like “I only check my emails 3 or 4 times a day. If it’s urgent, please call me or walk around to my desk and see me”. Naturally, this won’t work if you are on a help-desk but for the rest of us, it will give you back control around email rather than it controlling you. Close your email client down when you want to focus on other tasks. Down tools at the end of the day. Choose a time to finish and set an alarm so that you do finish. Then, don’t check your emails whilst you are away from work. If that is not possible, choose a time, and timeframe, to check them away from work and stick to it eg 8pm for 15 minutes.